Capacity Building

Audit-only responsible sourcing program approaches focus solely on uncovering a problem as the end-goal. GreenPont advocates that workplace risk uncovered during an audit is actually the starting point of a process that should add value throughout the supply chain. GreenPont enables this value creation through our intelligence, guidance and information tools, which are brought together as part of our Capacity Building services.

GreenPont believes that every workday presents opportunities to develop skills. We integrate skills-building into working practice through our Capacity building services, which are designed as a flexible yet repeatable and scalable framework of events that lead suppliers through a critical thinking process that analyzes and resolves specific challenges that are uncovered during audits. Each engagement is a custom-configured series of linked events leading from assessment to solution design to execution of a targeted set of high impact risk issues and solutions within an initial sprint. The methods and content focus on:

  • Management systems
  • Risk-based prioritization
  • Root cause analysis
  • Change management
  • Leadership development
  • Empowerment & skills development